The Cabinet Papers 1915-1986

Banner The Cabinet Papers 1915-1984

The digital collection with The Cabinet Papers 1915-1986 has been created by the British National Archives at Kew. Among these papers the series CAB 23 with First World War conclusions and CAB 24, First World War memoranda, are the main resources concerned with the First World War. The series with conclusions contains also minutes. Under the heading Meetings and papers is an overview of the series. You can retrieve the papers in the PDF format. A number of these PDF’s is extremely large, around 100 MB and larger.

Before 1916 there are no formal Cabinet minutes. You can study these papers by browsing major themes or searching for particular keywords with a free text search which can be narrowed in time. In the advanced search mode you can limit your search to specific types of documents and precise your text search. For educational purposes there are a “Writing Frame”, time maps and teaching guides for A Level studies, and a useful glossary which contains also brief notes about a number of persons.

The Cabinet Papers 1915-1986